SANTA CATARINA Newspaper presented the strategies of those companies in Vale that are in the ranking of the fastest growing SMEs in Brazil, and Datainfo could not be left out. Click to see the news: http://goo.gl/QdtLas
SANTA CATARINA Newspaper presented the strategies of those companies in Vale that are in the ranking of the fastest growing SMEs in Brazil, and Datainfo could not be left out. Click to see the news: http://goo.gl/QdtLas
For the tenth year in a row, Deloitte presents a survey of the fastest growing small and medium-sized enterprises in Brazil. To mark a decade of such project, the theme chosen for this edition was the practices adopted by the companies and all the other factors that were instrumental in their growth process. According to the survey, which was performed between June and July, innovation emerges as a strong common denominator in the growth of emerging companies. Therefore, we proudly congratulate all Datainfo consultants for the prominent position achieved.
Launch of the new corporate video! This video was produced by the company Triciclo Filmes + Brava Propaganda with the support of our consultants. Besides presenting the core services of Datainfo, it presents the company in a dynamic way, discloses its structure, customers, market segments, its values and differential all of which makes Datainfo one of the largest integrated outsourcing companies in the state. Check out the video below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMlYTIWRdI]
National Show with the Band Papas da Língua! For the End of Year celebrations , Datainfo is bringing an exclusive concert with the band Papas da Língua on December 5th, 2014. Consultants and guests will be welcome at 11pm at Rivage – Emotion Lounge, in Blumenau.
The best softwares for project management altogether in a single event. The only event that brings together the best IT solution providers for project management promoted by PM World magazine was held on 27 and 28 August at the Senac University Center in São Paulo with the participation of Datainfo. The event presented a Service solution that was the most prominent being a complete project management solution to operate in the cloud computing concept. The “Service” is a project management solution that brings in its philosophy tools for project management in accordance with the best practices suggested by the PMI in …
Datainfo is promoting the Winter Charity Campaign – Friends of Datainfo. This campaign, created by the company, started on May 21 and will continue until June 28. Anyone who wants to help is welcome to take donations to the company headquarters, or those who do not have how to take things there, may just call Datainfo team and we will make the apropriate arrangements. Clean clothing in a good shape for adults and children is welcome, as well as shoes and blankets. The company is also encouraging employees to cooperate with any amount of money, and with the amount collected, buy basic supplies (a grocery …